Welcome Neighbor!

Urban Vitality
Development CO

We specialize in transforming vacant and underutilized properties into vibrant, thriving spaces that support human connections and contribute to a thriving community.

About Us

community is the focus of our growth

Our Founder and Managing Partner, Ralph Plaskett, has a simple vision to nurture human connections through the built environment which shapes how people live/work/play and is the cornerstone of a thriving community.Urban Vitality Development Co is a real estate development firm focused on small-scale new urbanism developments that leverage missing middle housing types. We specialize in transforming vacant and underutilized properties into something special that adds to the fabric of the community while maintaining its character.Our team of experts is dedicated to creating something amazing in the spaces we invest while striving to make sure that our developments have a positive impact on the community.


Our Ethos

We believe that each company has a responsibility to the world. We share our Ethos with you.

Photo by Kara Eads on Unsplash

Ethos #01

We believe that together we can accomplish mutually beneficial, life-enhancing endeavors.

Ethos #02

We believe in building communities with a mix of housing types that support & stimulate social, economic, and environmental sustainability.

Ethos #03

We believe that our spaces should support our personal and professional growth and development.

Ethos #04

We believe that each person is seen for who they are (and can be) and each site for how it can support that potential.

Ethos #05

We believe in a human- and planet-centered approach to our work.

Ethos #06

We believe that safe and attainable housing is a basic human right.

Photo by Francesca Tosolini

Thank you!

Stay Updated

We'd love to stay in contact with you and share what's happening in our space. You can follow us on social media!